Entrance songs
Typically at most receptions your guests will enter the room prior to the bridal party and you will then have the MC announce the bridal party and finally the bride and groom into the reception. This is usually set to music, and this is what this page is about.
Not everyone does their entrances in the same way but typically the order would be as below;
- (Optional) introduction of immediate family
- Bridal Party, possibly including Flower Girls and Page Boys - Introduced couple by couple in the same order that the bridesmaids walked down the aisle at the ceremony.
- Bride and Groom enter last.
We have however seen many variations from simple changes of bridesmaids coming in together followed by groomsmen to elaborately planned choreography. We are happy to assist in any way, please just communicate to us exactly what you want.
You can choose to use one song for all of the introductions or you can specify a different song for each couple of group. These days most people select several songs but it is totally up to you.
The request form has three columns to fill out for the entrance songs. The most important thing is to get the order of the songs and the people correct. Our paperwork needs to correspond to that of your MC. The first column asks for people entering the reception. It's totally fine to just put down "Brides Parents" or "Bridesmaid & Groomsman 1" in this column, alternatively you can just go with peoples names. The second column is for the song details. Please put down song name and artist and if you want a version other than the radio or album edit the specific version of the song you prefer. The final column is where you let your DJ know where in the song you would like to enter from. It is important for this column to describe the cue point and not just give us a time. A good description would be "When the singing first starts" or "Any Chorus"or "The chorus after the breakdown." You can add a time as well as your description if you think it might help. If we don't understand exactly what you mean, don't worry we will play the song for you when we speak to you prior to your wedding day and you can tell us exactly when.
The reason we ask you to give us a description rather than just the timing is you might be using a slightly different version of the song to us where. An excellent example of this would be "I Gotta Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. The album version and radio versions sound exactly the same but the album version has a longer introduction. If you asked for us to cue the song at 45 seconds from your radio edit version and we cue at 45 seconds on the album version we will have two totally different parts of the song.
If you aren't fussed, or trust your DJ to find the best point of the song please just put "DJ Choice" and we will earn our money finding the best cue point for you.
Here is a list we have compiled from actual songs used for entrances in 2019 and 2020 that might be a bit of inspiration for you. You don’t need to limit yourself to these songs, we love doing new and different things for each wedding.
Wedding Request Form In Detail
- First, 2nd & 3rd - dance discussion
- Last Dance & Farewells - discussion and examples.
- Bouquet & Garter - description and examples.
- Background Music - discussion and examples
- Dance Music - discussion and examples.
- Musiq Entertainment Request Taking Policies/Discussion
- Example completed request forms.